DECLARATION & INDEMNIFICATION (Accepted as a condition of entry when completing your application for registration, online, or by personal signature when registering for the fun run on the day)
- I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions appearing below or which have been distributed in any material relating to this event.
- I acknowledge that I am entering this event of my own free will and will participate entirely at my own risk.
- I acknowledge that this is a physically demanding event and declare that I have trained appropriately.
- I am not aware of any medical condition or disability which precludes me from participating. If I become aware of any such condition or disability I agree to withdraw from the event immediately.
- I acknowledge that participating in this event may put me at risk of injury or death as a result of, amongst other things, over-exertion, dehydration and accidents caused by other participants and I accept all liability for any injury I may incur as a result of participating in the event.
- I agree to take all care to ensure that I do not cause any harm or injury to any other participant in this event.
- I release the event organiser, its agents, employees, members, sponsors, promoters, volunteers, the owner of all buildings in which, or close to which, the event takes place and any person directly or indirectly associated with the event in any way, from and against all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of or connected with my participation in this event and I indemnify them from and against all liability for any injury, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with my participation in this event, whether suffered by me or caused by me to another person. This release applies during the event and will continue without lapsing thereafter and it binds my heirs, successors, executors, personal representatives and assigns.
- I consent to the administration of any medical treatment which may be required if I suffer any illness or injury during or after this event.
- I consent to the use of my name, voice or picture in any broadcast, report, advertising promotion or other account of this event and confirm that I am not entitled to make any charge for that use.
- If this event is cancelled for any reason whatsoever I understand that my entry fee will not be refunded and no liability of any kind will attach to any person, organisation or body engaged in promoting or staging this event.
The personal information collected from this entry form will be used for administration purposes to communicate with and identify participants and record results. It will not be divulged to any third party but may be used to inform you of future events.